Sunday School 9:30 am (September through June) 

Children learn Bible stories through various learning styles.

Sunday Worship 10:30 am  Worship Nursery (Infants through age 2, Room 236)

Worship nursery is provided for our youngest children in our updated nursery.

Preschool-3rd Grade Children’s Church

Starting at age 3, children are invited to stay in worship until the Children’s Sermon. Following the Children’s Sermon, children will follow our volunteers to Room 310 for a time of learning Bible stories, crafts, and games.

Worship Bags and Bulletins

Children age 5th grade and younger are invited to take a blue worship bag into the sanctuary during worship. Worship bags are located in the narthex and contain activity sheets, crayons, and a children’s Bible. Children’s bulletins are also available from the ushers in the narthex.
Wonderful Wednesdays (Children’s Fellowship Program)
Wednesdays 4:00-5:30 pm (September-March) Age 3 through 5th Grade
Our popular midweek children’s program combines music and faith development. We enjoy recreation, singing, and Bible lessons.

Vacation Bible School Every June

For all children who turned 3 before 8/31 the previous year through rising 6th graders
For registration information, call the church office 336.226.4747
Children’s Musical
Wednesdays 4:00-5:30 pm (March-May)
Each year our children prepare a musical for the entire congregation to enjoy.
Special Events For Children
We invite you to join us for seasonal events such as Trunk or Treat, the Children’s Christmas Pageant, the Egg Hunt and our annual Vacation Bible School!