The staff at Graham Presbyterian Church has spent many years devoted to the Christian faith. Our staff enjoys sharing that faith and knowledge with others in our church community.



Email: revsarvis@gmail.com
Pastor Michael has been our associate pastor since June 2023. He was raised in Georgia and has been awarded a bachelor’s degree in psychology and Christian counseling from Liberty University and a master of divinity from Columbia Theological Seminary. He has been serving in church ministries since 2006. He oversees all of our Christian education ministries for children, youth and adults. He and his wife Cherilyn live in Graham.

Karen Peterson

Office Manager
Email: KarenPeterson@BellSouth.net
Karen Peterson has been our office manager since September 2014. She and her husband Mike live in Greensboro. Karen has worked for Presbyterian churches since 2001.

Barbara Byrd

Email: rbyrd4@triad.rr.com
Barbara Byrd has been our organist since September 1993 and added to that her duties as Director of Adult Choirs in October 2012. She also teaches piano. She is a member of our church. She and her husband Bob live in Burlington.

Tiffany Overman

Email: tiffoverman1982@gmail.com

Tiffany Overman has been our playschool director since June 2022. Before becoming our playschool director, she taught in our playschool for 10 years. She is excited about making our playschool the best place for your children! She and her husband have 2 children of their own.
Our staff can be reached via E-mail or please feel free to contact us through our contact form.